The benefits of doggy day care

In recent years doggy daycare has become a big part of dog ownership in the UK… As important as child care, the market for pet services in continually growing year on year… In this article we are going to explore the benefits of doggy daycare care and what to look out for when choosing the right place for your dog. 

Since late 2018, it is now a legal requirement that anyone offering doggy daycare in the UK is licensed by their local authority to ensure they are meeting the correct standards and have the correct qualifications to be charging for this service…

With over 10 years in the business, we see it all too much, people trading without insurance or any qualifications, and most of the time everything is fine and the dogs in their care are having a good time, however, it about when things go wrong, and lack of insurance can mean all sorts of financial and legal problems, and even there is insurance in place, if the particular business isn’t registered and licensed with the local authority, the insurance won’t pay out… and at the end of the day, it’s your precious furry baby at risk by unregulated traders… 

One of the main benefits of doggy day care for the dog is the socialisation aspect – not just with other dogs, but with other humans, as well as being in a new environment. Off the back on the Covid-19 lockdowns we have seen so many dogs develop separation anxiety as well as the lockdown puppies that were brought into the world in an unprecedented time and weren’t able to be socialised with people or dogs as well as having someone constantly around, which once the world opened up again, left us with some pretty overwhelmed pups. 

Professional doggy day care can come in a few different setups, sometimes it is one person operating from their home and looking after a smaller number of dogs which can be better suited for more nervous dogs or ones that lives as a lone dog and prefers a quieter day and a homely environment. Doggy day care on a larger scale often will take place in a business location and have multiple members of staff to ensure the correct ratio of staff to dogs at all times… 

The dog’s will have a structured day which includes exercise, enrichment, rest and meal times if required… A good balance of physical, mental and social stimulation is great for ensuring you have a well rounded dog that is calm at home. 

What do look for when searching for Doggy Day Care…

Customer Reviews

Local authority license number

Transparency – make sure you can see where your dog will be

Meet and greet prior to starting services 

Regular updates on how your dog is doing

Doggy Day Care can also be a really helpful solution even if you don’t work long days, consider sending your dog once a week or once every other week, to give yourself a day off from walks from one day but also to see the benefits as mentioned above, even if its not on a regular basis, you should enjoy a tired dog after day care, and providing they enjoy the company of other dogs, they will come back relaxed, calm and ready for cuddles… 

Let’s Talk about the Owner Benefits

As dog parents we naturally want the best for our furry babies in our absence, so choosing the right doggy day care is imperative for our own peace of mind. This is especially necessary if you have a dog that has separation anxiety – knowing you can drop them at the door to a friendly face and pick them up again when your day is done, brings great peace of mind especially once the trust has been built with the care providers and you are picking up a happy, relaxed and tired dog at the end of the day. 

Socialisation with many different breeds, depending on what your dog likes, the dog care choice will be led by that, but if they generally enjoy all dog friend company then day care will offer socialisation that you cannot provide at home, of course you can always meet up with dog buddies at the park for some exercise, but daycare also gives them a chance to relax and play through enrichment that you can’t get through was alone. Making them feel part of the pack, also contributes to a balanced dog overall… you also have the added bonus to coming back to your house in one piece if you have a dog that is partial to a chew or destructive behaviour if left alone. 

Kent Dog Walker is a trusted and licensed doggy day care provider in Kent – so click here to explore their services and see if it’s the right place for your dog to get socialised and cared for in a professional enriching environment… 

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