Charlie looks after all the toy breeds and specialises in Chihuahuas and Pomeranians. Having owned her beautiful chihuahua JC, who recently crossed the rainbow bridge, Charlie is confident at dealing with all medical issues including diabetes and injecting insulin, giving all types of medication and any with respiratory issues or seizure history.
She has her own rescue tripod chihuahua, Betsy who is now 9 years old. She has had her since she was 15 months and is treated as a princess.
Charlie and Betsy live in Ditton and cater for small breeds and understand that some of the smallest dogs have the biggest personalities and can require “special” handling – and are often extremely pampered – Charlie’s opinion is “The feistier, the better!”
Her experience with the toy breeds means she understands their needs better than most, so they have plenty adventures and mental stimulation as well as cuddles and exercise (if they enjoy a walk) Charlie is the founder of the brand and her values and ethos have shaped the company and that personal touch, and treating the dogs in her care has never been lost with the growth of the company… Charlie allows the dogs free roam of the house including permitting them to sleep in the bedroom.
Charlie can offer a loving, calm place to stay that is filled with cuddles and fun during their stay… The dogs are carefully paired and will only be matched with other suitable dogs.
Charlie has been known to turn the most anti-social chihuahuas around to enjoy her’s and other dog’s company whilst in her care… She loves a challenge and isn’t put off by the odd toy bite.
Location: DITTON
Licensed for: 5 Dogs | TMBC Licence: 24/00687/ARRANG